"I enjoy your programs. I will soon be going on Medicare. It would be wonderful if there was a way to be able to continue to participate in your programs. They are very beneficial! "

Wellness Roots

Encourage, track, and reward healthy behavior adherence.

I grew up in the small town of Cardston in southern Alberta, Canada. I am the second oldest of eight children. My father worked as a school teacher and had one of the largest gardens on planet earth - it had to have been the size of a football field! I remember working, working, and working in this garden. One memory that remains more than others was rototilling and preparing the soil with needed nutrients before planting and caring for the soil during the growing season. Roots grow where water, minerals, and oxygen are found in the soil.

Just like sound soil produces the best produce, good wellness efforts need to deliver exercise, nutrition, sleep, and smart daily health decisions into the lives busy adults. Wellness efforts do not identify, diagnose, or treat disease - primary care providers do accompanied by our $2.7 trillion dollar health care system. While I'll admit that its not a very glamorous job...rototilling up and down my dad's garden was a little mundane...our work as wellness professionals must be to encourage as many adults as possible to adopt and maintain the often boring, simple, and routine behaviors of exercise, nutrition, sleep, and smart daily health decisions for life in creative and friendly ways.

Let the master gardener identify, diagnose, and treat any plant disease or disorder. Precious resources are often wasted by wellness efforts that mirror what should be happening during a routine exam with a doctor. Stop health data collection, risk status labeling, and negative employee morale and create a simple incentive to visit a primary care provider. Employees can then share their health status and concerns with their trusted healthcare provider who can accurately and legally identify, diagnose, and treat disease and chronic illness.

Encourage exercise, nutrition, sleep, and smart daily health decisions. Make your wellness soil suitable for all busy adults. No collection of health risk status or protected health information needed ever. Wellness is all about the roots!